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Thursday 4 August 2022

Three Minds in Relationships - (4491)

This post presents some notes on the how the three minds that Master Samael teaches every human being, work within human relationships. 

Just to reacquaint any readers: Three minds: sensorial mind, intermediate mind and inner mind.

The sensorial mind is concerned with data from the five physical senses. The intermediate mind works with belief and concepts and the inner mind works with the consciousness and essence.

There are also three types of love which corresponds to the three minds. They are sensorial love, emotional love and conscious love.

The egos or "I's" that we have all use the sensorial and intermediate minds. They hang out there and they do not use the inner mind. Only our consciousness uses the inner mind.

Sensorial Mind

So we may relate to another person, like or even 'love' another person because of the senses. Because they are healthy and good looking, have a stable and well paid job that affords a continuous supply of nice healthy food, a nice roomy space to live, a comfortable healthy lifestyle where taking part in pleasant leisure activities and going on interesting holidays etc. is a frequent occurrence. We know though this doesn't last and doesn't mean much when the egos come out. 

This is the sensory mind relating. It takes relationships all through the senses and likes what pleases our senses and also what pleases our particular psychology related to our senses. The latter is very important - there exists our particular psychology that deals with our senses.

A good but crude example of this type of relationship is a relationship that is sustained based on money and sex. Some relationships are centred around eating, some around partying, some around drinking, some around sports and outdoor activities and some on social circumstances etc. etc.

Intermediate Mind

The intermediate mind processes a relationship using beliefs. Beliefs such as: the other person will bring us security, that the other person will bring us protection, that the relationship will complete us, that the relationship will fulfill us, that the relationship alone will give us heaven, that the other person loves us and we love them, that life will be better, that there is no one else for us etc. 

All the above are good beliefs but they are only beliefs at the end of the day. The intermediate mind has the property of believing very strongly. 

The intermediate mind can also believe the opposite of these very intensely also, making our life very difficult.

There are other more egoic beliefs that go with a relationship as well. Such as those to do with appearances: looking good together, some kind of status or success of being in a relationship or being married, having achieved something, having something etc. 

We have so many concepts of love and relationships and these concepts are handled by the intermediate mind.

There are also things of the intermediate that are pleasing to it and they are of a psychological nature such as the feeling or belief of being important, being esteemed, being distinguished, being in control etc.  These things are not of the senses but of a different quality. Of a quality that the intermediate mind works with. 

The interesting thing about all these things is that in a second they can all be gone. Because they were beliefs. For those to be real they would have to come from the consciousness of both people and what comes from the consciousness does not disappear.

Inner Mind

When any relationship enters the inner mind there is basically the trust that there is a real love. That trust is a knowing of the consciousness and that brings peace.

That trust which is a knowing that brings peace, dispels insecurity, jealousy, self-love and self-importance quite easily. Making the relationship dharmic.

When a relationship has reached the inner mind there is respect and freedom. There is also flexibility and a great capacity to handle the different and ever changing circumstances of life.

When a relationship reaches the inner mind there is the direct knowledge that we love or we don't really love. Because the beliefs have been moved past.

What is in the inner mind will last and is not all gone in a few seconds.

Sometimes it is the other way around that the intermediate mind hangs onto a relationship but the inner mind knows that it is of no use.

Relationships can take take a long time to reach the inner mind. Sometimes karma blocks this from happening. 

End (4491).

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