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Friday 5 August 2022

Apparently the Law of Confrontation - (4497)

Confrontation is a part of the Law of Three. Confrontation brings the active and passive forces together.

Confrontation then without any agressive connotations is a cosmic order. Confrontation is the bringing together of two opposite forces. It is actually the first step of reconcillation.

We develop two strange attitudes to this apparent Law. One is agression and violence and the other is avoidance.

Both attitudes are wrong and both lead to unbalance and suffering. 

The real confrontation of the type that the cosmos does constantly and which the cosmos intended to be done in creation is the one which creates something new. Any positive creation takes the consciousness to create it.

Confrontation creates. It provides the spark for creation. Especially the spark for consciousness.

We don't relate well to confrontaton. If we understand it is something of Law and of has authentic reality to it in the cosmos, we come to peace with it and understand that we need to get good at it.

The way to get good at it is to lead through the confrontation with consciousness and values. Not avoid it or be agressive during it.

Any confrontation and even conflict is consciousness and learning in potential.

I repeat lead thorugh it with values and consciousness. Trusting the values that they will give the best result. Be patient with the values as well.

Confronation can certainly enhance our values - only if we hold onto them. Confronaton can not be that we lose a grip on our values. This happens often but it shouldn't be that way.

There is also the logical confronations of the Being in us. This is where we bring the values of the Being to meet with any egoic state and then we allow something new to be created in our consciousness. Which usually takes the form of understanding and this clears away the egoic state.

End (4497).

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