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Thursday 8 September 2022

Birth, Death and Marriage - (4512)

These three things are the biggest events in the life of a person. Being born, marrying and dying.

Marriage is somewhere between birth and death. It has elements of both birth and death in it. To marry means that some things are born and some other things die. 

Depending on how people manage a marriage is what they receive - more birth or more death... Normally in life, birth and death are kept very separate and are not combined. Only spirituality combines them.

In ordinary life, the birth part is what is used more, as it has to be. As we can see, birth in the common sense is the birth of children, family, new possessions, new responsibilities, new duties, new skills, new family activities and events etc. etc.

Where as if death is focused upon in normal life, there is a lot of quarrels, a lot of destructive words and behaviours and eventually divorce. Divorce is the death of a marriage and also perhaps the death of many other smaller things inside and outside the person. 

It is only when marriage is given a spiritual octave that can both birth and death be wisely combined and used and their combination cause the spirit in both to flourish. 

In this higher spiritual octave there is death of the egotisical which brings the birth of new spiritual values which combined with the work in the Alchemy, bring the entrance into the esoteric path. Where the Being is born in us (enters more into our physical presence) and grows as the path advances.

End (4512).

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