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Monday 12 September 2022

Oh No Not a Personal Life! - (4530)

It seems wrong and cold but that is where we will arrive at - a non personal life and non-personal relationships.

Once there that is where we can be happy and at peace...

A personal relationship is marred with a lot of difficulty and suffering. It is a relationships where we are always personally affected by what the other person does and says or does not do or say.

When we are no longer personally affected and in our thinking and feeling we can be happy and free in loving others.

To experience the personal life, we understand that we need to work on making the "I's" of self-love and self-importance smaller and smaller.

When we can talk about the work and not about personal issues and dramas we are getting a taste of the beauty of an impersonal life.

An impersonal life gives the work for our Monad much efficacy. Where as the opposite causes us to waste so much precious time.

End (4530).

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