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Monday 17 October 2022

Don't Allow Mind to Kill Heart - (4553)

The mind can kill the impulses and movements of the heart. Quite easily and frequently. Basically using the hammer of practical concerns and by bringing to the table a thousand other 'considerations' (distractions).

We have to remember that the path and the work is the path of the merits and values of the heart in action. It is not about the mind in action. That is for life and matter! Not for the Spirit

The heart does not kill the mind or the mind's ideas. If those ideas be noble it gives them strength and support and if they not be noble the heart leaves them be.

Our challenge is to always find the almost poetic rhyme between head and heart. Together they are a powerful combination.

The mind to organize the impulses and initiatives of the heart, and then the heart to power though the mind's didactic with its strength and love.

Instead of the mind killing the heart we should combine mind and heart. To do this is a conscious action and requires knowing what the heart has and wants and what the mind can do. We have to learn this and then practice it.

When we do this inside of ourselves we will value our heart and this will allow us so to recognise the heart of others and so be able to inspire them and in our role with them, help them by combining head and heart so as TO NOT KILL THEIR HEART but to strengthen it and its expression in life and in the spirit.

Ego through the mind, Inner Being through the heart! We all want the Inner Being!

End (4553).

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