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Sunday 16 October 2022

Win the Heart not the Mind - (4552)

Life in some way or another is about wining or earning our place. I think we all know this at subconscious or conscious level.

Sometimes we don't need to win or earn any place, it is given and sometimes rightly so, it isn't, we must earnt it. For example, we don't graduate from medical school and straight away take up the post of head of surgery. 

People knowing that they have to win a place, try to win a place by using two ways. There are many ways but they all come under these two ways which are: winning people's minds or winning people's hearts.

People who try by winning people's minds do so by arguing, protesting, bringing contradictions and apparent unfairness to light, attacking what is currently in place and by presenting the logical and often by applying a bit of coercion to force the logical (which can be the logical seen by all and sometimes it is just their 'logical').

These people take this way because they are mostly all mind themselves. They lack heart because vested interests hiding in their mind prevent them from using their heart, or they just have not developed their heart before.

Their main goal is to convince others why they should be there but not being what is really needed in their consciousness to be there.

Vested interests such as ambition, which often win something only for the sake of it and leave it later... because they have proved to themselves that they are good enough.

What people really want is to have their heart 'won'. Having the mind won is 'dime a dozen' as every sales person, TV, magazine and internet advertisement does that.

Then there are people who try to win the hearts of others. This can only really by done by the heart itself. By what is true. For the love of it, not for the desire or false need for it.

People know the heart is true and the mind is not. The mind can present the truth, the logical but the heart is the logical and is the truth. 

The heart is noble and kind, people know that. People know that the mind is cold and calculating. People know that the mind can be brilliant but the person with the brilliant mind can be rotten: 'intellectual rascal".

People trust the heart but not the mind. People want to give a place to others that are from the heart, that have trust, that have love, that are noble. Not to those that are all mind and are cold, tough, inflexible, argumentative, all rules and controlling. 

The mind does not pass the tests of the heart...

People know the mind leaves things and the heart stays and embellishes...

The heart has the power to hangs in there and overcome the difficulties... As soon as the mind can not see a solution it crashes...

Which person would something to someone who is all from the mind as opposed to someone who is all from the heart? You wouldn't would you? I don't think so.

In life there those that are like 'masters of the mind' yet they are not masters of the soul or the spirit or even of human ethics and noble emotion. Master Samael said that black magicians are those that are really masters of the mind. They are very logical, astute, convincing, speak beautifully about the noble virtues yet they have nothing of heart.

End (4552).

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