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Monday 10 October 2022

To Wake Up a Bit - Solving Issues is not Important! - (4545)

We can't be in the present moment when we have issues to solve in our mind...

We keep issues in our mind because we regard them as being important...

To allow the mind to let those issues go, we have to, there is no other way, but to tell ourselves that those issues are not important!

The mind protests: "how are they not important when it concerns my safety, my well-being, my livelihood, my (fill in the blanks - whatever is important to you) etc.". But we have to let those issues in our mind go - when we really want to remember ourselves and activate our consciousness...

To let issues go from our mind is not the same as letting the real thing go. It is just letting go of the dialogue in our mind about the thing. For example, our health is an important issue to us, it is not letting pour health go, it is letting the dialogue in our mind about our health go.

The paradox is, once we have let them go we can then solve them. Because our very good friend - our own consciousness is with us to help.

End (4545).

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