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Tuesday 11 October 2022

Unifiying with Events - (4544)

To unify with an event is a conscious act. 

When we unify with an event we experience the 'flow of life' moving through that event.

The 'flow of life' moving through an event is what is important, not us. 

When we are self-important we try to control the event, but what is designed or really meant to happen is made to happen by the 'flow of life' which is set by the  forces from 'above'.

In some cases to unify with an event is an act of mystical death. It is to die in self-importance.

When we unify with an event for sure resistance and contradiction disappears.

In some cases to unite means to reconcile two opposites... 

Fully accepting our reality that we are in the event and giving up any kind of egotistical will and wishing to be fully present we can find the 'flow of life' and then we can unify with the event and be at peace in the event.

Once we are consciously unified with the event our consciousness creates or brings its 'flow of life' which harmonizes with the event's 'flow of life' on a higher octave and then there is a mutual benefitting.

This is what allows us to extract the best from the event, and to also live the event intensely and with love.

Finding an intelligent way to unify our goals with the event or in other words to use the event to achieve our goals is a degree of unifying but not a full unification. We will feel some lacking or emptiness at the end of it. Because still an egoic element of will stole the event away from us to some degree.

End (4544).

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