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Thursday 1 December 2022

Esoteric Life and Death Mysteries Notes - (4586)


Some notes on the mysteries of life and death. This time focused on the more esoteric aspect of these mysteries as taught in Gnosis.


Process of recapitulation. Within death is recapitulation. Recapitulation is a part of death. Just before anyone of us dies - our whole life flashes past our consciousness.

Death is an energetic ray that emanates from within the cosmos. It is an energetic ray of high voltage that no one can withstand. 

The action of this ray is to breakdown. It actually liberates the essence or the vital essential from: the physical and vital bodies and from all the experiences that the body has allowed one to pass through.

The action of the ray of death is just like how a few drops of essential oil are obtained from a large quantity of rose petals. It extracts the vital essential. It extracts what must continue - no more nothing less. It is mathematical in its exactitude.

Recapitulation allows the essential or the consciousness to be extracted from the experiences of life.

To recapitulate is to relive and learn and extract from life's events the essential learnings and wisdom. So as to not repeat what was in error.

Recapitulation is a teaching and a real action from and of Mother Cosmos, where the cosmos learns and takes back its energy that it gave us to live our life.

When we wish to die mystically or psychological y recapitulation actually undoes the knot of energy which is the ego and allows us to learn everything we need in that specific area.

Life once again allows us to die psychologically. Life and death support each other and are needed by each other and depend upon each other.

All our deeds are recorded. There are two atomic angels. One on each shoulder, which record our good and bad actions.

The deceased essence travels to the tribunal of the Law where it recapitulates its whole life. This usually takes three and a half days.

The process of death is a process of dissolution, where the essence is freed from the body and its limitations. The essence is freed from the four elements: earth, water, fire and air.

The recapitulation process allows the essence to be fully conscious of all that it has done while on earth. Then one is fully able to understand what comes next which is judgment.

To be judged all has to be weighed. That is fair that one is conscious n about the judgment of our life.

Death helps us so much. It tells us that everything we do will be weighed and that what we do now we will be held accounted for.

We can voluntarily recapitulate.

End (4586).

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