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Thursday 1 December 2022

Skepticism and Ignorance Notes - (4573)


The objective of this post is to present some notes on how skepticism hinders the work of our essence and Monad. Some of these notes were presented at the retreat.


Skepticism Introduction

Skepticism is a conditioning factor and also an "I". As a conditioning factor it conditions our perception and mind so that we tend to not accept any external or internal claim.

It is all about believing. Skepticism works not allowing us to believe that something is true, because instead it believes that everything is a scam, a lie, a trick or a conspiracy etc.

People who really like conspiracies have skepticism. It seems like they don't have it but they do in the direction of disbelieving in goodness and honesty etc. 

We are generally skeptical about a thing's capacity to be true. 

Skepticism is a lot about capacity!

We see the truth of the above statement when it comes to people. We are skeptical about a person's capacity to do something, we are skeptical about the capacity of what a person says to be true, we are skeptical about a person's experiences, we are skeptical of a person's virtues etc. We are not skeptical about a person being a person we are skeptical of their capacities which is the area of better or worse which brings pride into the equation.

The big key about skepticism is that we are skeptical in relation to pride. Essentially about something or someone having a real capacity that we essentially don't believe that we have the capacity to do.

Skepticism and Personality 

Skepticism contributes significantly in maintaining the personality well and alive, as well as keeping the centre of gravity of a person to be in the personality.

We get stuck in the personality because of skepticism. We don't believe in the essence or the Inner Being, therefore leaving us no where to go but to believe in our person - in other words our personality.

We somehow feel that what is real is life and our personality. We feel that the work is a game and that it is sort of the real but in the end what is real is life and nature and the spirit is not.

The work at the end of the day can seem like a game, that the great masters who have finished the work, still get sick and die and still suffer and seem to still be fighting with their psychology.

Ignorance is another support upon which the personality rests upon. Ignorance is to ignore what we know and it is also about not knowing. What really affects us is ignoring what we know which is ignoring the teachings. 

We don't believe in the teachings and we ignore them and so we strengthen the personality and remain in it.

Skepticism and the Inner Being

Every ego is skeptical. Because every ego does not believe in the Inner Being.

Skepticism in relation to our Inner Being. We doubt. To believe is to will.  

Skepticism in the Centres

Generally skepticism holds us back in all our centres. It makes the intellectual centre to be very active reasoning against accepting and protesting endlessly. Emotionally it makes us blocked and cold and the same in the other centres. All the centres except the intellectual centre enter into a kind of strong tension and rejection which makes then inert, frozen and resistant to function positively in relation to what we are skeptical towards.

It holds us back, stops us, introduces inertia, we know we are not at our fullest power. One is not happy. One can't give ourselves fully over to something. We hold back. We don't believe. We don't believe it is positive, we believe in negativity. We tie believing to positivity and not believing to negativity. Duality. We become DIVIDED! Which is never a pleasant experiences. When we are divided each of our centres are divided also.

It stops you from accessing your full power because it does not allow us to unite our three brains.

Skepticism and the Word

Skepticism's use of the word is negative. It essentially attacks with the aim to deconstruct or diminish. It can be sarcastic and is often humiliating.

Skepticism and the Work

We don't believe we have skepticism because we are in the work, because we are doing something spiritual. But in truth we can be very skeptical and we are in the work precisely to dissolve it.

We don't practice seriously because of skepticism. We don't call the Inner Being and the Beings of the superior worlds to help us.

We don't believe in the work of others and so we distrust others. It hinders the relationship with our Gnostic brothers. 


We can only be skeptical about what we have known before. 

Skepticism comes from failure and from resentment.

Layers of Skepticism

There are several layers of skepticism. 

There is the skepticism that does not believe in the values of the soul. For example a reason why we do not believe in value, patience, trust is due to skepticism. Then there is the layer that works deep in our subconscious where it blocks our connection to the Spiritual in us (Inner Being). Where it ceases our intellect, our imagination and our faith or emotion. Then there is the active layer of skepticism that says out loud or in the mind I don't believe in that.

We are finished when we say with skepticism: that does not work it is just a piece of dead plant. 

Skepticism Miscellaneous Observations

Skepticism ruins spiritual inquietudes.

Skepticism has its basis in the sensorial mind and the sleeping consciousness.

Skepticism does not give the benefit of the doubt. 

Skeptical is to be proud because we judge and we are being above them to judge them. We are judging the Inner God of the person. 

Skepticism does not see. It is all about what is not seen. 

Every ego has the conditioning factors in it. Every ego has skepticism in it. 

Skepticism is behind laziness in the two poles, passive and active.

Skepticism is a loss of faith. 

We are often skeptical about what we don't like. Every ego when it explodes fully into its heaviest manifestation expresses skepticism. 

Conditioning factors particular to our planet and the planet's karma? Why do we experience the conditioning factors that we do here on planet Earth?

Skepticism is very materialistic and it goes to the deepest material level and concludes stupidly about something. It also is humiliating at that level.

It is not skepticism that makes us to believe in scams.

Skepticism Remedy

Remedy to skepticism is to study and get more knowledge and to go up into the higher dimensions. It ignores ad ridicules the higher dimensions. It ignores basically the other two properties of atoms which are energy and consciousness.

Skepticism is a shield for our pride to not admit that we are lower. Therefore humility is a remedy.

There is the "I" of skepticism that mechanically blocks. One way to remedy this is to get conscious knowledge. 

The opposite of skepticism is to be open and not doubt or be rejecting and blocking. It is an open kind of respect, recognition and acceptance until conscious experience arrives.

To be skeptical is to be often critical and mean. 

The opposite of skepticism mentioned above is open but not stupid. This aspect of he opposite of skepticism is discernment.

The Skeptical attitude is to prove to verify. Best is to not be skeptical about ourselves. 

We can't have the attitude fully believing in ourselves. We need to have some openness that we are wrong. But a conscious one. 

What we take from skepticism is to be careful until conscious knowledge arrives. To strive for consciousness knowledge. 

To Believe

We don't believe in the values of the essence, in love, 

To believe is to give future, it is to take for certain something will happen. It is about will. When we believe, we are willing something to happen. 

The opposite is conscious faith. To believe is to take for real. It is to accept and to bring into our centres. Mechanical rejection. That is why it is related to pride. 

What makes us skeptical and not believing? The ego of skepticism. The remedy is to know to develop conscious faith. But the opposite is to believe or be open. The mechanical rejection or disbelieving is skepticism and we need to dissolve it to be open. 

End (4573).

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