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Friday 13 January 2023

Attacking without Love is not Honest - (4627)

Post Revised: 13/02/2024

The common experience is that we attack others strongly with our mind and then it blows up because the other person gets upset and then we feel sorry and we change our tact, saying that we only want the best for them and that it is only for their benefit that they look after themselves in this or that way etc.

When we change our tact we are being honest and natural and we are coming from our heart. This is then when the other person actually listens and understands and something that is new and beneficial to all is created.

When we attack we are not honest, because we haven't gone to our heart and consciousness yet. We are only in our mind which is one sided. It only sees the negative that must be attacked, and the negative must be beaten away. 

When we do go to our heart and consciousness, we know what we want to say and why. We also see both sides and the different angles involved. 

When we are coming from our heart we see and know all of the above mentioned points and we can no longer attack but instead explain and honestly reveal our concern which is a power in itself that is far greater than the power of attack which we wrongly think will make things better and allow ourselves to be 'heard'.

End (4627). 

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