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Saturday 14 January 2023

Flirtatious Thinking Leads to No Result - (4629)

In our Gnostic work we discover that we can not flirt with the things that are obstacles to the work. 

We eventually realise that we have to take one line in all of our centres. Why? Because when we flirt with the obstacles to the work, we stray from our work and end up stuck in the obstacle.

For example, when we flirt with life after being more devoted in the work, we end up finding ourselves fascinated with life again.  

While we are establishing ourselves outside of the obstacles to the work, we understand for ourselves that we need to be strict with ourselves and adhere strictly to the line of the work. Otherwise our attempts will fail!

Often people misjusdge this strictness as fanaticism. But when we are really trying to overcome an obstacle it is not fanaticism. It is just doing what needs to be done to overcome the obstacle, because no other way works. Flirting with the obstacle certainly does not work. 

We usually learn this lesson the hard way, and we teach or advise this to others and often they don't listen. They have to fail themselves and after failing they can then understand what we advised them, which is also what we were advised and did or did not listen to.  

End (4629).

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