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Thursday 5 January 2023

Centre of Gravity and Relationships - (4611)

A centre of gravity is expressed through a relationship of any kind, whether it be with a person, a job, a hobby, ourselves, even a pet.

A centre of gravity is a quality that a relationship can acquire.

For a relationship to acquire this quality the elements of a centre of gravity must be invested into the relationship. These elements are always: time, energy and attention and the cause is either love or necessity.

People in a relationship, often unknowingly, make their centre of gravity the relationship, both in life and in Gnosis.

Human beings make their centre of gravity to be something or someone because of love for that something or someone. Whether that be conscious love or another type of love that is less conscious.

When we use a less conscious form of love we create a centre of gravity mechanically.  

When we work consciously with love, we are able to chose our centre of gravity. When working for our self realisation, we use conscious love to make our centre of gravity to be our Real Inner Being. 

When two human beings in a relationship make their relationship the centre of gravity, certain characteristics become visible. Some of these characteristics can be clearly seen when the relationship is given priority over the many options that are presented. Another characteristic is that decisions are always made to benefit the relationship and another is that time and energy are mostly spent for the relationship. 

When people have their centre of gravity outside of themselves, such as in another person or in a relationship, they create a base in the other person. That's why when a person in the relationship falls ill or the relationship ends, one or both of them will feel lost, hopeless etc. This is also why people feel so affected by what the other person says and does, because the centre of gravity amplifies everything, making the other persons actions so important to us. 

A centre of gravity always forms a foundation for the person. The work is the best foundation because after a while it becomes one with us and it can never leave us. But when we have our foundation in something outside of us, it will one day leave us and we will be inevitably lost.

Solving problems and always trying to make the relationship better, is what keeps us so busy, engaged in lots of talking and using our mind to solve or improve things. This unavoidably makes our centre of gravity to become the relationship. Which for any Gnostic person is inconvenient, as then the work on themselves stops.

An alchemical relationship is for the Being, however it is not the Being. To make the relationship the centre of gravity instead of our Being, causes a lot of pain and suffering. An alchemical relationship only becomes useful for the path, when the centre of gravity of both people in the relationship, is the Being. 

What the focus should be, is making the work of the two people in the couple, to work. Not making the relationship to work. There will always be differences and both people in reality have to come to terms with living with their differences and respecting the differences.

In a Gnostic couple when the centre of gravity is the work, both people think, feel and act by virtue of the work. The work is always with them and they constantly relate to each other through the work. 

End (4611).

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