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Sunday 8 January 2023

Ego Steals and Inverts Values - (4616)

We know that at the core of each ego in us, there is a quality.

We know that this quality has been inverted. For example, anger. At the core of anger is force. With anger this force is used negatively, by going against ourselves and others.

Essentially in each ego a quality of our essence has been inverted, or in other words, become stuck in one polarity or side. 

When a quality is stuck it is said to be botteled and that is what an ego is. Unfortunately when a quality is bottled it will always stay on that one side or polarity.

Before a quality becomes inverted it is stolen. The action of stealing values for other interests creates the ego.

For example, due to a fear or a desire we steal the value of force to help ourselves to protect that fear or satisfy that desire.

After stealing force so many times we end up fractioning a part of our essence's force and bottling it to be stuck in always performing the set function of protecting fear or satisfying desire. That is how we create all the different types of anger that we have.

For example, many men and women use the value of sexuality for reasons that do not have much to do with sexuality. Such as to acquire influence or power, money, an important favour, 'love', 'importance', 'control' etc.  

This is how values are stolen and later the stolen values become inverted and then stuck.

Our work is to first do the opposite, that is generate actions which are of the opposite polarity of the stuck quality. This will begin to unbottle the quality. As the quality is more and more unbottled we then need to do the work of giving it the right use - which is to rescue it.

End (4616).

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