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Sunday 29 January 2023

Law of Return Notes - (4639)

The Law of Return is a tremendous law. A great Law that operates cosmically as well on a microscopic and even smaller scale.

It's clearest examples of manifestation can be seen physically in the cosmos and in physical life on a planet.

Every cycle that we can witness is due to the Law of Return. Day and night, months, planetary years, sidereal years, the seasons,  

Time is directly derived from the action of the Law of Return. The gap between the return of the sunrise is called by human beings day and night. The mind of human beings divides day and night into 24 hours, and then each hour is divided into 60 minutes and so on, giving us the conventional measurement of time.

The Law of Return is round. So much in nature is round. Time is round, our planets are round, much of nature is round or spiraled, our heads are round, our life is round even...

The Law of Return is the one that functions to return a process, journey, trajectory back to it original point of departure.

The beginning is always the same as the end plus the experience learned in the cycle. We all return to the same point but with much more love and wisdom learnt along the way.

Nature works all based on cycles. Cycles of migration, cycles of reproduction, cycles of death and renewal, the water cycle etc. In fact the life of nature is about maintaining these natural cycles.

It can be seen as the way the Absolute has given us to learn. We all learn by repetition and in octaves. Each repetition allows us to learn something new or something that was previously hidden. The esoteric process works this way. Purification occurs in octaves via repetition and the Law of Octaves. The seven stones are a good example of this.

If we are conscious we can reduce the number of repetitions to a minimum. If we are not conscious and we don't want to learn the number of cycles increases greatly.

The Law of Return works on the ego. Not on the free essence and not on the personality.

The reason why we are subjected to the Law of Return is because our essence is trapped and conditioned and we need successive lives - repetitions to learn the lessons and dissolve it.

Involution and Evolution work based on the Law of Return.

Creation works by means of the Law of Return. All of creation returns to the place from where it departed from. - the Absolute.

The Law of Return takes us back to the places we have departed from. The basic feeling of Return is nostalgia.

The saying: "The criminals always returns to the scene of the crime" is very interesting and has truth to it.

We start life as a baby where we can't do anything for ourselves and at old age we end our life in the same way. The end meets the beginning. 

When we study the metallic planets of Alchemy we see how our life returns. After the age of Saturn we repeat life's early stages of Saturn and Moon, Saturn and Mercury, Saturn and Venus and we come under the same influences as we did when we were younger.

We can return physically but be different psychologically. 

The Law of Return works on us the minute we make a start to a journey. That is why many journeys return back home to start again. 

To defeat the return - a degree of conscious will is needed.

In every cycle where the Law of Return functions there is a maximum and a minimum. When the degree of conscious will is at a maximum the Law of Return is at its weakest. As soon as the maximum amount of conscious will has been given, the Law of Return begins to function. The Law of Return  functions and as it does it accumulates in intensity, finally achieving its end, which is to take us back to the original point of departure. 

End (4639).

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