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Sunday 29 January 2023

Laws of Reincarnation, Octaves and Revolution - (4638)

These three laws are all related.

The Law of Reincarnation is the result of the Law of Revolution.

When the Law of Revolution works on the Law of Recurrence the Law of Octaves is activated. 

When we decide for something different we area activating the Law of Revolution. Then under the Law of revolution we activate the Law of Octaves which then works on the Law of Recurrence.

When the Law of Octaves works on the Law of Recurrence, the recurrences become either more complicated and heavy or lighter and simpler in Octaves or spirals. 

The Law of Octaves produces spirals. All the spirals geometries found in nature are due to the Law of Octaves.

The Law of Revolution exists primarily as the way to undo and break free from return and recurrence.

When we are breaking free we arrive at being free enough to chose to incarnate according to conditions not dictated by karma. 

The goal of revolution is to arrive at conscious will. Which is the will of the sacred individual not conditioned by karma. 

The Law of Revolution is a law that works with the all the laws to free oneself from karma and recurrences.

Breaking recurrence by recurrence of our "I's" leads to the revolution of breaking away from the Law of Return. A large revolution such as breaking the need to return in successive lives starts with the mini revolution of breaking a habit...

End (4638).

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