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Friday 13 January 2023

Leave Reasoning and Comprehend Instead - (4622)

Usually what we do is attack others using reasoning, saying things like: "that was not thought out well, that was silly, wrong reasons, stupid reasons, why did you do that?". We use reasoning conditioned in duality to make or find what others do and say as wrong or right. 

This use of reasoning only creates conflict with others and also within ourselves, because with all of our reasoning we still can't understand why a person said or did this or that. 

The thing to do is to comprehend. Master Samael instructs us to stop reasoning and comprehend instead.

To comprehend is the beginning of peace...

Comprehension unifies and goes beyond duality: right and wrong, and understands why a person did or said that. When we do that we leave the mind behind and go to the heart and we become different people.

To comprehend is not to attack. It is put on the shoes of others and know and understand why.

Stop attacking with reasoning and understand. That is when the turn around in many situations will come, and that is also when our consciousness can come too!

Mind reasons and consciousness understands!

End (4622).

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