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Friday 13 January 2023

Self-Remembering and Attention - (4624)

We just have to make self-remembering work for us.

The key we are told is our attention. We need to be able to put our attention on our Being and keep it there and after a while of keeping it there, we can perceive, feel and experience things that are not of the ordinary states of consciousness that we normally run our life with.

The key I repeat, is to know how to put our attention on our Being and keep it there.

To be awake as our degree of free consciouness allows us, we are told, means that our attention needs to cover what we are doing, our psychology and where we are. That is the start but it is not complete. We need to add the moment to that or better still our Being.

When I say our Being, I am not saying that image of the heavenly Father that we all have, a magician dressed in robes with a pointy hat up there in a temple somewhere, no not at all. I am referring to our very presence or capacity of being alive, present here in the physical world which indeed comes down from our own Being.

Put your attention on that as well as where we are, what we are doing and our psychology. That is then really complete. The key then is to keep it there. Our attention works like a flame on a stove. It takes several minutes to boil water on the stove because time is needed for the flames of the stove to heat the water to 100 degrees Celsius. As soon as the water boils vapours rise and things are different - some of the water begins to change state. The same with our attention and our state of consciousness.

In summary, put your attention without thinking on the three areas, then include the moment, then include the Being and do your high almighty best to keep it there without thinking, without the narration of your mind, then repeat and repeat working this until it becomes more and more natural.

We are told our Inner Being can help us much better when our attention is on It, and we are with it because our attention is on It. Our Being can communicate messages or impulses to us in Its own way...

End (4624).

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