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Tuesday 17 January 2023

Prayer to the Three Logoi - (4630)


Source of divine joys, direct your actions towards us. Holy Affirming, Holy Denying, Holy Reconciling, transubstantiated in me, for my Being; Holy God, Holy Steadfast, Holy Immortal: have mercy on us.

“Fuente de divinos regocijos, dirigid vuestras accio-nes hacia nosotros. Santo Afirmar, Santo Negar, Santo Conciliar, transubstanciados en mí, para mi Ser; Santo Dios, Santo Firme, Santo Inmortal: tened misericordia de nosotros.” (Spanish)

Meaning/Commentary - S.A.W

"For something He has been called the "Firm Saint", because he can not be defeated. In teh end, He triumphs and then he is covered in glory."

"This is a precious canticle to the Three Great Primary Forces of the Universe. These Three Forces constitute in themselves the Father, Osiris, who by unfolding becomes Neith, Isis. In the union of Him and "Her" is our particular Jeshua, our own intimate Jesus Christ, our very own, the one who must enter us (our body) to save us.

Very special in this prayer is that of: "Holy God, Holy Steadfast, Holy Immortal", because the "Elder of the Centuries" of  Kabbalah is the "Holy God" and the "Holy Steadfast" is Jeshua, our particular intimate Jeshua, the one who, incorporating himself into us, takes charge of all our psychological processes: of all our passions, feelings, thoughts, etc., of all our temptations to overcome them in himself, to transmute them in itself; and that only the "Holy Steadfast" can do.

That of "Holy Affirming", "Holy Denying" and "Holy Reconciling" is also very interesting.

Why? Because the First Force is that of the Eternal Affirmation, that of the Father; the second one of the Eternal Denial, that of the Son; and the Third that of Eternal Conciliation, that of the Holy Spirit. 

The Father affirms, the Son denies, the Holy Spirit reconciles.

What does the Son deny? Why is it said that the Son denies? Because the Son denies or does not want everything that we want: passions, psychological defects, etc. And why is it said that the Third Force is the "Holy Conciliating"? Because with that Third Force we reconcile. With who? With Divinity. I refer emphatically to the Sexual Force, to that force with which our body was formed, to that force with which our body developed in the womb of our mother, to that force that brought us into existence.

Why is it said: "Transubstantiated in me, for my Being, for our Being"? because the three Primary Forces of the Universe: that of the much loved Father, that of the much adored Son and that of the very wise Holy Spirit, go through a transubstantiation in us and for our Being. Do you understand what does this mean, my dear brothers? "Transubstantiate" means that a substance becomes another. You now understand why the Three Primary Forces go through transubstantiation into us and for our Being? That's a great thing! It is obvious that we need to crystallize in ourselves the Three Primary Forces.

End (4630).

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