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Sunday 15 January 2023

To Flirt is to not be Defined - (4631)

When we flirt it is because we are not defined and hence not unified in our position or choice.

To flirt means to be in something and then be dabbling in the opposite, or dabbling in something that is not good for what we are in.

A lot of our difficulties comes from flirting with the ego. 

We are in the endevour of working to dissolve our egos and we find ourselves flirting with the ego. Which really means keeping the ego alive. 

Flirting with the ego means to work in its dissolution and then identify with it, strengthening it. When we flirt it is because we have some feelings for what we are flirting with, or because we are not fully committed in all of our centres.    

If we stop flirting we save time, energy and we make progress. Of course we start by flirting less, then less again and then even less. As soon as we flirt less we notice immediate improvements!

Flirting in any area, is usually brushed off in the mind as being harmless, as just being a one off occurence and not being serious. Really it is serious when it comes to the work of the dissoluton of the ego. It really stagnates our work!

End (4631).

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