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Saturday 28 January 2023

Universal Mind Notes - (4621)


Importance of knowing our own mind. This topic presents some great truths about our mind, the minds of others and the mind of the cosmos. Knowing these truths makes it possible to better understand our mind,  the way it works and how creation and the Cosmos work.   


Our mind is not our brain. There is a vast difference between our mind and our brain.

Our mind is not enclosed in our skull. Our mind is much vaster than we think.

If our mind were enclosed in our skull we would live in utter darkness. We would not know anything.

Our brain is the receptor of the energy we call the mind. Our thoughts are not in our brain but in our mind and our brain receives those mental energies. Our brain interacts with the mind allowing us to hear the thoughts of the mind and also to elaborate thought. 

Each of our minds is in the Universal Mind and is part of the Universal Mind.

What is in the Universal Mind can also be perceived by our mind.

What is in our mind is also in the Universal Mind.

There is no Universal Will, Universal Emotion but there is Universal Mind. This is because mind causes emotion so Universal Mind is the same as universal emotion and will is of the sacred individual where the will is the spark to create and instill something into the Universal Mind. Rather than Universal it is conscious individual will. 

The Universal Mind is related to the Divine Cosmic Mother. Because the will, the causal factor sends a spark to the Universal Mind where the will to create takes shape within the Universal Mind - making the will masculine and the Universal Mind feminine.

The Universal Mind allows the sacred will of the sacred individual (true individual) a platform to create and express in creation that which it 'wills'.

The internet is not the Universal Mind, of course not, but it is a human attempt at creating a version of the Universal Mind. Where everyone's computers are connected and together form the internet, where potentially the information on all the computers can be seen and accessed by all the others.

There are so many practical examples which show how our minds are all linked and essentially participate of the same. Common thoughts, common reasoning, common logic, common order and ways of organising all come from the Universal Mind. Where those thoughts and processes exist in the Universal Mind and each one of our minds participates in it and also has it inside of it. 

The fact that people all over the globe can understand the same logical thought process indicates a Universal Mind. Everyone's mind has the same mechanisms and the same functions and workings.

Master Samael says that we can not know the Universal Mind without knowing our own mind first. A very good example of tthis is the saying supposedly inscribed on one of the columns at the Oracle of delphi: " Oh man know thyself and thy will know the Universe and the Gods.".

There are many examples of how the great inventions of the times have been captured from the Universal Mind and then brought to life here in the physical world. 

It is said that everything already exists in the Universal Mind and anything that can ever exist here in the physical exists in the Universal Mind beforehand. So boats, microscopes, nuclear power plants, Televison, radio, palnes, computer networks etc. all existed in the Universal Mind before it existed here in life on Earth.

For example, any building before being built exists in the mind of the architect. If this building exists in the mind of a human being, it then exists in the Universal Mind. Before materialising in physical form things must be formed in the mind beforehand. Everything materialises down from the Mind. Creation existed in the Universal Mind before it became physical. The Universal Mind is where all creation begins.

Everything is really condensed mind. Mind is a type of energy that gives form to things and that energy condenses until it takes shape in matter here in the physical world. In human terms the condensation process of mind into matter is the mediation between the idea and practicality. 

Mother Nature allows human beings special access into the Universal Mind when She needs that 'we' be distracted so as to avert certain processes from happening such as harmful conflicts. It is said that Mother Nature allowed scientists to discover and invent the TV to distract and entertain human beings so to avoid creating the circumstances that could have lead to world wide conflicts. Master Samael mentions this in the Perfect Matrimony.

Imagination and the Universal Mind are intimately linked. We and all other creatures actually have eyes, because the creator/s have the faculty of imagination. We have eyes to see what they imagined. A great part of the Universal Mind is images, drawings, designs, plans which are all created by imagination.

To create anything will, imagination, and energy are needed. There has to be the will to create (a causal factor), the idea of what (the solution) and energy to bring it to physical life (creative energy). Basically will acts on the mind, where in the mind there are images and energy (sound or vibration). 

Each thought is a collection of words and images. This is because what exists in the Universal Mind are images and sounds. Words are concepts summarised into a sound. Each sound is a vibration.  

Master Samael says that within the Universal mind reside the "Cosmic Reserves of Intelligence". If we possess a mental body we can access these reserves of Cosmic Intelligence for our benefit and the benefit of others. The solar mental body gives us greater access and understanding of the Universal mind.

The famous and well spoken about "Law of Atrtraction", works because of the Universal Mind. A simple way to explain it is to see that when we imagine something repeatedly we create a mental object that has real presence in our mind that then takes up a presence in the Universal Mind. As soon as that mental object or image is present in the Universal Mind the laws that operate in the Universal Mind such as the Law of Correspondence, the Law of Affinitiy, the Law of Magnetism begin to bring like elements to it in the plane of the Universal Mind. These like elements then start a process of linking to each other and to other new like elements, which then opens the possibility to condense the mental object or image into existence in the physical plane. 

For example, I need a lawn mower, then imagining a lawn mower after a while takes one to think of asking the neighbour then talking to the neighbour takes me to borrow his lawn mower then borrowing his lawn mower I see the phone number of the retail shop in which he bought it. Then I call the shop and find out about a second hand lawn mower retail outlet and then I go and visit and soon enough I find out which mower I need and I eventually acquire one.   

This is an important point to do with the Universal Mind: Mental Hygiene. What we think we put into the Universal mind and so we can corrupt the Universal Mind with dark and negative thinking. Others can collect such negative thoughts and be ill-affected. Knowledge of this introduces mental responsibility. 

Our mind is like our stomach. If we eat unhealthly our health will suffer. If we digest negative impressions and think negatively our mental health will suffer. Poor mental health means - little imagination, little concentration, little cohesion - often jumping between different thoughts, frequent illogical thought, little power to organise life, little power to see and adhere to reality, constant confusion, lost in negative thinking, unable to stop thinking etc. etc.

Due to the Universal Mind there are mental epidemics, like a pandemic. Where fashions, trends, ways of thinking, concepts all travel through the Universal Mind and into the minds of others. Which can be either good or bad, all depending on what is travelling. Usually an epidemic implies something negative, but does not have to be. Such as pornography, drug use, depression and the increased number of young male suicides these days.

End (4621).

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