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Saturday 28 January 2023

Three Minds Notes - (4637)


Here are some links to posts in this blog related to the topic of the Three Minds:

Why Three Minds

Battle Between Sensorial and Inner Minds

Intermediate Mind

Inner Mind

Three Minds and Relationships


We need to know our mind. We need to know how our mind works. To know our mind is to know how we relate to life and how we can better relate to life. We use our mind 24/7 yet there are really few who know it. We need to know how to use it and what it is good for. In our studies we need to know how to best use our mind. This topic gives us this knowledge.


The three minds are three layers of the mind. Our mind is like an onion with three layers. With the outer layer being the sensorial mind.

We need each of these three layers in life. Due to not knowing about the existence of these minds we use one mind for everything, which is where we go astray. 

To live a balanced spiritual life we need to use all three minds within their correct orbit of function. For a normal and common materialistic type of life we can ignore the inner mind but for a spiritual life we certainly can not do that.

Each mind deals with each of our three realities.

We often dismiss one mind using the other. For example the inner mind is often dismissed by the sensorial mind.

The mind is an instrument. This we need to understand. It is an instrument of our consciousness. It's authentic role is to be something receptive and passive. Where it receives the messages from the consciousness and presents them on what is often called "the screen of the mind" for the consciousness to see. In other instances the mind's role is to reflect the truth, that is to gather the facts and present them for the consciousness to discern and interpret.      

Each mind can give a different answer to the same event of life. That answer will be according to the data that each mind works with.

The inner mind is concerned with the advice that comes from the values or qualities of the consciousness. As the consciousness is free from thinking, the inner mind sets us free.

The sensual mind puts us into contact with the physical world and is the appropriate instrument to deal with the issues and matters of our physical life. Such as money, budgets, schedules, fixing things around the house (trades), food, cleaning, sports, travel etc. 

The sensorial mind is an ignorant mind and often a mistaken mind, as our senses are defective and convey inaccurate information to the sensorial mind. The sensorial mind then elaborates reasoning and concepts based on information that is false.

We can not study and understand esoterism with the sensorial mind. We need to learn how to access the other two minds.

All three minds ideally should work as one, however the ego has made them to work separately and in an unbalanced way. Where we actually just live in one mind only.

We need to transcend both the sensorial and intermediate minds to go to the inner mind. If we can not do this we will experience a lot of frustration in trying to understand our spiritual studies.

The sensorial mind puts us into contact with the physical world, the world of three dimensions. The Intermediate mind puts us into contact with conceptualisation and opens and starts the movement towards the inner mind. The inner mind puts us into contact with the consciousness. 

A belief starts as a concept. A belief is a concept that has been invested in with our emotion and our faith. Beliefs are a lot stronger than concepts and we become very attached to our beliefs.

Conscious faith belongs to the inner mind. Faith belongs to the intermediate mind. Skepticism belongs to the sensorial mind.

The inner mind knows the truth, the intermediate mind deduces the truth and the sensorial mind witnesses a part of the truth.

End (4637).

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