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Tuesday 14 February 2023

School Notes - (4509)

This post presents some notes on the topic of an "Esoteric School".

This post is referenced by the Four Way Notes - 4623 post and supports it.


No doubt that finding a true esoteric school of awakening is the most important and transcendental thing that can happen in the life of a person. It is a most impactful and life changing event.

If it is the most important it is also the saddest event when a true esoteric school is abandoned.

Life without a school is a series of accidents, comedies, tragedies and dramas.

The most important requirement of the school is to be true to yourself.

Each school has a teacher and students, objectives and methods to achieve those esoteric objectives of awakening and liberating the essence so that the Spirit of man can incarnate.

Each esoteric school teaches what awakening is and how to achieve it.

The school grows as its members grow. Undoubtedly the school leaves behind those that grow too slowly and those that grow too quickly can outgrow the school. 

Each school has the duty to spread the knowledge and methods of awakening.

The students do not establish the rules of awakening. They have long been established. We are all guests to the journey to awakening. 

The esoteric schools are like the soul of humanity. 

The school forms a third force, which is the force of the collective. The first two forces are the teacher and the students. The third forces acts to benefit all members even the teacher.

In a school we learn to yield to a higher will. The higher will being the will of the spirit of each member of the school to awaken. In normal life there is no higher will only the will to satisfy egotistical desire. 

A school fulfills the ray of creation in that it brings the light to awaken to creation and helps creation in the form of human beings to return through the ray of creation back to its origin. We fulfil the work of the Ray of Creation when we work for a goal higher than ourselves.

A school is the ideal place where Influence C can do its work. Influence C is rare and for it to be effective it needs the right setting. Influence C is a celestial influence of the illuminated beings to help us to awaken.

It is really more the duty of the students to care for and maintain the school. This is true as the school is more for them.

Each school creates new conscious knowledge. As conscious teachings continuously transform themselves.

A school is where friction and a gymnasium develops for each member to study and overcome their defects. The school helps each member to learn practically how to transform suffering.

Each school in the end exist to be transcended, That is our ultimate goal - to transcend the school.

A school concentrates the awakening and this concentration allows the light and force of the school to spread to benefit others.

The Law of a School is that it advances at the pace of its fastest student not the slowest. It is as strong as the weakest link and higher level must serve the lower.

In a school we advance the most by doing the exercises that we dislike the most.

Esoteric schools when working correctly always profit. Because they work to transform all adverse events allowing them to profit from everything. The spirit of the school is based on the willingness and capacity to transform all sufferings and hardships - including members leaving.

The teacher teaches by being the words that he or she speak. There must be respect for the teacher and the right attitude to the teacher so as to best make use of him/her as a bridge to higher states of consciousness and learning.

In every school there is an outer and inner circle. The outer circle strives to enter the inner circle. The inner circle must work harder and more than the outer circle. The inner circle is entered based on merit and the genuine yearning to be there.

There are three lines of work in a school:

We must work in each line in balance. We start only being able to work in the first line at the beginning. Later one we learn how to be able to work for the third line which is to work for the teacher, school and the progress of the school's work. 

See the following link to read more about the three lines of work in a school:

Three Lines of Work in a School - (4522)

End (4509).

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