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Monday 13 February 2023

We Only Ever Really Die in the Relative Good of Things - (5283)

We only ever die in what's relatively good. 

What any ego likes is 'good' to it. What the ego desires is the 'good' to it.

Because there is a relative good that 'good' is an evil for someone else.

These relative 'goods' end up destroying what we love and try to protect.

A father thinks it is good that things in his home are in order, and to maintain order he will use certain means, with the most common being anger. As it is good that there is order in his home, he will never think of dying in anger yet alone the need for order. Later in time his strict adherence to order and his anger to maintain it, will destroy the home where his wife and children leave him to be alone to be his 'order'.

We need to open ourselves up and educate ourselves to die in the 'good'. Becasue we will NEVER DIE! Why we don't even suspect we need to die in something - because it is 'good' and why should we die to what is apparently 'good' and 'correct' or 'right'. 

If we look into our lives we will see we are upholding a perceived 'good' but because it is the ego in us wanting that 'good' we can only uphold it with anger, control, offence, insult etc.

We need to die in the 'good'. The first step is to see that that 'good' is relative and for others it is negative and the 'good' that it wants it is not achieving.

The ego never gets the genuine value from others that it talks about wanting to receive, it only wants to receive what it wants to see. It does not love and does not want to understand that the love that we want to feel or the ego wants to feel is to not ever be received but given. As soon as we give it we have it, because we have given it to ourselves. The love we want is the love we have to give to ourselves.

End (5283).

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