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Wednesday 22 March 2023

Answer to Questions from Comment to Posts: 3954 and 826 - (3969)

Question for Post: Lunar Influence Notes - (3954)

Could you please explain what is this creation of a 'psychological infinite'?

What are the various infinites? Master Samael states that each infinite has its own 13 Aeons. He says that after the creation of a psychological infinite, one can either enter into the Absolute or create the necessary internal conditions to pass into the next infinite. He also says that those Beings who follow the path of Cosmocreators on the Direct Path pass from infinite to infinite, i.e. from firmament to firmament.

Is this the Path of John? Or is it related to the Path of John where one moves up the cosmic hierarchy (from angels to archangels to potencies to dominions to virtues to thrones to cherubim to seraphim)?


It is basically where one cystallises in their psychology the laws and principles of the infinite so that states of consciousness that are aware of the infinite can expand to the infinite, which is beyond the scale of  the galaxy.  

My understanding is that an infinite is a creation and that there are various creations residing in infinite space, and that such a Being with an psychological infinite can move between them or prepare itself to visit or live there.

I am not sure about it being the path of John. I know from the teachings that it is not moving up from angel to archangel that is done in the process of the second mountain. Creating the psychological infinite is much beyond the third mountain.

Question for Post: What is Sexuality? - (826)

Sometimes the sexual energy disappears for months at a time, and with it the opportunity to work and move closer to the being. Is this due to debts against the Holy Spirit?


I can't say anything for certain here, in my opinion I would say yes that it is due to debts against the Holy Spirit. To know what the cause of it is, is a really big help because then you can go about fixing it. It may be something psychological in the way that during the times when that energy disappears you are expending a lot of mental and emotional energy, or it could be something physiological. 

So I would say that the first thing to do would be to have a look into the past to see if some actions  or a series of action were the type to create a definite debt against that energy. The second thing to do would be to observe how your energy is being used before those periods appear and during them. 

If for example during the periods where the energy disappears we are going through a stressful period psychologically with much worry, anxiety etc. We need to do our best to not think, not worry, not fret and look at ways to save energy. 

If you do find out that it is a debt against the Holy Spirit then a really good thing to do is to wait patiently, knowing that what has a beginning has an end and that once that payment period is over the sexual energy will appear again.

Such periods where the sexual energy disappears is a time for us to reflect and understand that the sexual energy belongs to our Being, and it is a gift to us and that we need to really look after it. We come to understand that the sexual energy is governed by higher powers within us, and that it is not really ours to do with as we please. We can do with it what we wish, as we may have in the past, but that has its price, its own consequences, which we experience in such periods where it disappears.

End (3969).

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