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Tuesday 21 March 2023

The 'Topic' of Abandoning the Work: Part 1 - (4398)

A series of posts about this subject. With each post treating one point at a time.

One may think that such a post let alone a series of posts on this subject should not be written. However as we all know this topic is a reality. 

People after showing much promise do abandon their spiritual studies. Perhaps if they had some advice available to them at the time they could have kept their ‘promise’ going.

The first point to make here is that all of us at some point or another have at least thought of abandoning the spiritual work and walking fully back into life. It is something in reality that does happen and it is something that we will face at some point. 

It does not matter at which point, the beginning, the middle or end but what really matters is that we look sincerely at it and find the truth about it.

If we find the truth, I mean the real truth of it we will know what to do next.

I'm not going to suggest anybody to stay or leave what I would really advise people is to sincerely search and find out what is going on inside of ourselves. Take your time, relax and search within... Pressure or rush clouds our vision and decision making ability - so take your time.

I know and trust in the truth that once it is found it will lead and advise you by itself in a few seconds about what to do.

Ultimately, these states of contemplating abandoning our spiritual work become recurrences that we learn to recognise. They all have the same flavour and at the bottom are about the same or a very similar issue as previously encountered.

Certainly in all good faith to find out really what is going on and why we wish to abandon our spiritual studies is nothing harmful, there is nothing wrong about it. We do not have to tell anyone, do we? 

If we find out why we wish to abandon our studies then our Being knows... Who is more important to say something about this to than our Being, the one to whom we are working humanly and spiritually for?  

More posts will be written about this topic covering various other points. 

End (4398).

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