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Friday 3 March 2023

Lunar Influence Notes [New Version] - (4701)


• Presentation about Moons as being previous planets of the solar system. Lunar chain of Blavatsky.

• Presentation about how greatly the Moon has featured in myth, in culture, in literature etc. 

• Prsentation of Moon's origin. The Moon as our grandmother. The Moon had life. Older than the Earth.

• Presentation that the Earth is the reincarnation of the Moon. The Vital body of the Moon has been transplanted to the Earth. The Earth has inherited the Moon's karma.

• Presentation that the Earth-Moon is larger than usual. Life here on Earth is so dependent on the Moon.

• Presentation about how the Moon's influence on the planet Earth is very strong. 

• List of Lunar Influence examples.

• Explain how we actually have with the pluralised "I" a lunar natured psychology.

• List lunar psychological characteristics that human beings exhibit.

• Presentation of the remedy - creation of the psychological moon.

• Explain our true nature is solar - the essence is solar. We are too lunar and that must change and that is why there are so many problems in our planet.

Influence is Unusually Too Strong - Core Point

This is the core point of this talk - that the influence of the Moon is too strong and that it is imperative that it needs to be countered with the creation of the pschological moon.

The image below shows how strange the Earth and Moon binary system is compared to the other planets and their moons in our solar system. 


The following blog site is useful to get points for this talk. It has a search bar which is very helpful.

General Introduction Notes

Lunar Influence Notes - (3954)

Lunar and Solar – an Introduction (104)


Origin of the Moon

Moon as our Remote Origin - (694)

Moon Age

Influence Examples

Lunar Influence – How does it Affect Us? (21)

Lunar Influence – Sleep (20)

Lunar Influence – When does it Peak? (19)

Lunar Influence – Emergency Rooms & Psychiatric Wards (18)

Lunar Psychological Characteristics 

Lunar Characteristics in Our Psychology – List 2 (110)

Lunar Characteristics (107)

Three Demons - Foundation of our Lunar Psyche (111)

Psychological Moon

Five Stages of the Realisation According to V.M Samael Aun Weor - (779)

First Post: Psychological Moon or Permanent Centre of Gravity in the Consciousness - (874)

Second Post: Psychological Moon or Permanent Centre of Gravity in the Consciousness - (875)

Third Post: What is the Psychological Moon or Permanent Centre of Gravity in the Consciousness? - (876)

Fourth Post: Principles of the Psychological Moon - (881)

End (4701).

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