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Thursday 2 March 2023

The Ego is Real Look What it is Doing to the Earth - (4335)

Of course it is our greed and pride that is harming the Earth. The waters are more polluted, more animals are being driven into extinction and temperatures are rising.

What can we do as seekers of the awakening and the path? 

We have to continue with work to awaken and dissolve our psychological conditionings "I's". Because when we do that, we become living energetic assets to the Earth. In the sense that we become high potent transmitters of nourishing energy to the Earth. We also increase the consciousness and Fohat (spiritual fire) of the Earth - healing and enhancing it. 

Physically we should also why not, participate sensibly in the many schemes that there are to reduce pollution and harm done to the environment. 

We should certainly not leave our esoteric work and go to save the planet. Doing that would mean to deprive the Earth of a fully functioning awakened living cell that fully nourishes the Earth to its upmost capacity. Our transmutation and efforts to awaken (stopping negative emotion) does wonders for the Earth.

Maybe there will be a bodhisattva sent by the white lodge or the Divinity to help clean up all this pollution. Perhaps a fallen bodhisattva may do it, who knows... 

In any case it will be a massive undertaking as huge amounts of resources will be required and the greed of powerful countries will have to be somewhat defeated which is a colossal task. One would not have time to work oneself, it would be too life and perhaps soul consuming... 


End (4335).

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