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Thursday 2 March 2023

Culture - Time and Space to Respect - (4061)

Here is a real good example of how one of the main columns of personality: culture, works in time and space.  

It's neither right or wrong. It is purely relative. It is purely the result of time and space. Time being history and the current time and space being global location. Things are different in the West to Qatar. Just different not right or wrong or better or worse. 

We may judge saying how backward, restrictive, impractical etc. and others may say how decadent and degenerated and void of values is the West... There are as many procs and cons for each culture that seems to balance each other out... Time and space in the end is the determining factor not the mind of any one of us...   

At the end of the day, we have to put all judgments aside and understand that if we are in Qatar we have to respect their culture and values. To not respect those things is to fall into a negative aspect of pride which could be very costly...

What is also interesting the only way to know our culture is to experience other cultures and learn from the contrast and differences. We are like fish in water that don't see our own water culture.

End (4061).

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