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Wednesday 1 March 2023

Karma and Dharma Notes - (4666)


• Define the terms karma and dharma.

• Present karma as a cosmic law present everywhere, especially in our lives.

• Explain karma. Scientifically as a law. Give many examples.  

• Explain dharma scientifically as merit. Give many examples.

• Present and explain the different types of karma.

• Present practical examples to better understand karma.

• Present how to utilise this law to understand our life and its circumstances.

• Present how to utilise the law of karma to improve our human and spiritual life.


Here are some links to posts in this blog that are relevant to the lecture topic of karma and dharma. The information in these posts describe in more detail each of the summary points given above.


Karma Cause and Effect Notes - (3906)

Types of Karma

Some of the Many Types of Karma - (684)

Working with Karma

Right Attitude Towards Karma - (4060)

This is Pure Gold: Karma is All About Values! The Secret of How and Why we Pay our Karma! - (752)

Working to Overcome Karma - (4311)

The Obstacle of Karma We Have To Know - (3658)

Tough at First Applying the Values Pays our Karma - (4498)

Which Karma Bares the Most Weight in Our Life? - (890)

How Karma Works Within Us Part 1 - (1618)

How Karma Works Within Us Part 2 - (1619)


About Merits –Ordered and Organised Notes – (2315)

Esoteric Finances – Our Dharma - (556)

Dharma, Merit from our Practices - (2149)

Accruing Dharma - (423)

The below photo if you can zoom into it is very interesting. Very specific...

End (4666).

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