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Monday 10 April 2023

Argue Due to Consciousness Missing - (4714)

So often when we get stuck and slide into a negative spiral is due to something missing.

In the case of people getting stuck in arguments and conflict, it is all due to consciousness missing on both sides.

If consciousness is present then a solution will arise which may come from the third solution, or one side deciding to die in their point of view and the ego that is holding that point of view.

So we need to bring what we lack and what we lack is consciousness. If we can't bring our consciousness in the moments a disagreement breaks out, it is the best discipline to stop talking and wait, sleep on it, meditate on it, until the sparks of the consciousness arrive and then talk and solve the disagreement.  

In conclusion, we argue because CONSCIOUSNESS IS MISSING - stop! Bring CONSCIOUSNESS and then and only then SOLVE it.

End (4714).

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