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Monday 10 April 2023

Make WILL - (4715)

This is one of the most important teachings for all areas of our life.

It solves the mystery of WILL.

The magic of will converts a weakness into one of our greatest strengths.

WILL is indeed a mystery to us, as to why we have it for certain tasks and not for others and how initially we are lacking it and only later do we get it.

Don Juan told Carlos Castaneda that the sorcerer or the awakened person waits for will to appear. That is, the awakened person waits for both mind and emotion to be filled and activated in relation to the task and once that maturity of mind and emotion is set, then - will is present.

We have all experienced one moment of the magic of WILL in our life. Yet we have had difficulty in being able to re-create it.

We have longed to be able to re-create that unwavering will that endured until the goal was achieved.

That magic will was present when we dieted impeccably and lost weight to banish heart disease or any other aliment. When we saved our career or a business, when we saved ourselves from dropping out of our studies, when established a business against all odds, when we overcame an ego against much resistance  etc.


Will is the magic combination and product of both mind and emotion.

Will is mind in emotion that culminates in action that strengthens both mind and emotion.

Emotion is more powerful than mind. We typically fail when we leave out the emotional centre.

The emotional centre holds much greater reserves of energy and power that the mind doesn't.

To be continued...

End (4715).

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