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Monday 8 May 2023

About Manners and Etiquette - (4751)

From the Gnostic point of view manners and etiquette can be surpassed and replaced by consciousness.

We understand that manners and etiquette are in place because of the absence of consciousness.

It seems that without manners and etiquette people would not behave appropriately...

Many of the values of the consciousness would direct us to act in a way that would be inline with manners and etiquette. Not exactly the same but inline with it. Not following the technical details as shown in  the diagram below but spirit of manners would be there which is usually, respect, moderation, consideration for others etc.

When manners and etiquette are taken by the ego and the personality, the consciousness becomes bottled.

When bottled manners and etiquette are then tied to the values of the consciousness that are bottles such as respect, honour, dignity etc.

Sometimes people can get quite upset when manners and etiquette are missing in relation to them or the event.

It is also consciousness to recognise that in a given event the people present adhere to certain protocols and manners etc. It is also consciousness to go along with that and not openly rebel against it if there is not a good reason to do so.

End (4751).

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