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Monday 8 May 2023

Law of the Pendulum Notes - (4741)


This is a marvelous topic. One that is so important for every student to study and know deeply. It is so practical and helpful in life. We can teach its wisdom to anyone. As everyone experiences it. It is also a wonderful experience to present talks on this topic to students.


It is essential to study the talk that Master Samael gave on the "Law of the Pendulum".

Knowing about the Law of the Pendulum is extraordinarily beneficial for everyone. It is very practical and very easily verifiable. To know is to begin to be liberated... 

The Law of the Pendulum is directly related to the Law of Duality.

The Law of the Pendulum produces cycles. Therefore the Law of the Pendulum is related to the Laws of Return and Recurrence.

The Law of the Pendulum is the one that produces the return of all things to its point of departure and it is the one that governs the timing of the recurrences.

If the Law of the Pendulum is related to the Law of Recurrence, and the Law of Recurrence is related to the Law of Karma, then the Law of the Pendulum is related to the Law of Karma.

It maybe said that the degree of imbalance, in other words the degree of karma determines how far the pendulum swings.

To know the Law of the Pendulum well, we need to observe a pendulum in motion. Notice that there are three points. The middle resting balance point then the two extremes of the swing.

What we reject today we will accept tomorrow. What we rejected in the past we accept now. 

The Law of the Pendulum moves us from one extreme to the other. The Law of the Pendulum is the constant movement from one extreme to another.

The Law of the pendulum is transcended by stopping the movement from one extreme to another. In other words finding the centre, the balanced motionless centre point, where the pendulum rests.

When we have experienced both extremes we create consciousness and we find the intelligent central point.

The Law of the Pendulum teaches us both extremes in the areas of life so that we can find balance in that area.

So to quicker end the swings of the pendulum we need to learn quickly. We are generally slow learners. We have to swing several times before we learn. But we don't need to do that.

If we know about the pendulum we can know that after one swing it will be the same until we learn and decide to stay in the centre. If we commit to learn quickly from the pendulum we can save a lot of time.

We need a force to take us to the extremes, otherwise we would never find balance. Because it comes from the knowledge of the experience of both extremes and the happy conscious decision to rest at the centre without karma.

We can not stay at one extreme for long. The Law of the Pendulum will drive us to the other extreme and then to the centre.

To only see one side of life is to be swinging on the pendulum. To see both sides is to begin to transcend it, that is to begin to go to the centre.

We are all ruled by the Law of the Pendulum. 

When we push too far outside of balance we activate the Law of the pendulum.

We need some slight oscillation around the balance point to allow for give and take. Large swings are different they transgress nature, they are exaggerations that activate karma. 

We get karma when we do something very much out of balance. 

The Law of Karma uses the Law of the Pendulum to reinstate balance.

The Law of the Pendulum gives other nations the chance to rise up, and at the same time it causes others to decline. This law functions perpetually so that all can experience rising and declining.

As master Samael wrote, the Law of the Pendulum is the one that helps to write history. The Law of the Pendulum rose Rome and caused it processed its decline.

It distributes the learning of the extremes to all peoples without any distinction. It is a blind law, as all the laws are.

The manifestations of the ego always go to one extreme. They then stay there for a while then the swing back to the opposite begins and then the swing to the previous opposite begins. 

The extremes of the pendulum swings are deceiving. When the pendulum reaches the extreme it stops for an instant. In that instant we feel that we have reached balance that all is stable and wonderful. Yet the pendulum has to begin its descent and so a swing to the other side begins.

When karma or the ego is very heavy the pendulum is not easily stopped.

Karma is processed in waves, that is via the Law of the Pendulum.

The lunar forces and the lunar influence are also related tot eh law of the pendulum.

Physics of the Pendulum Applied to Human Beings

The above means that the time taken for a pendulum to go from one extreme to the other is proportional to the Length of the pendulum and inversely proportional to the force that moves it. Meaning the longer the pendulum the longer it takes to swing and the greater the force the quicker it swings.

So for us human beings this means that if the ego is big and applied a larger force that swings us to the opposite side the quicker we will swing back. 

The pivot or suspension point of the pendulum is where it is tied to something fixed. The pivot point is the perfect balance - no swinging. So the longer the pendulum the further it is away from the original natural balance of things and so then when that pendulum does swing it takes us further into very unbalanced extremes. Furthermore we spend a long time moving between those extremes - years perhaps.

End (4741).

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