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Friday 5 May 2023

Affirmative Psychology Notes - (4748)


This post are all the notes I took during an online class given by m.m.m. I prefer to attend classes physically, however as everything has two sides, an online class means I can type notes straight into a post and have it published the minute the class ends.  


The psychology of Affirmation in Gnostic terms is the psychology of 'yes' to the Inner Being.

This affirmative psychology is aligned with the Holy Affirming. 

The 'Holy Affirmation' is affirming: the Inner Being, the work and life. It covers the three realities of the Being, the path and life.

The opposite of the Holy Affirmation is the mechanical 'no' of the "I".

The Holy Affirmation is of the Father in secret and the Holy Denying is of the Intimate Christ.

The no of the "I" is a double negation. It is a 'no' by itself and it is a 'no' to the Inner Being. Whereas the Holy Denying is a 'no' the "I" but a yes to the Father in secret.

The Holy Affirmation is to live with the Inner Being and through the Inner Being. It is the spiritual symbiosis.

The sins of the soul are the corruptions of atoms of the consciousness. It is not the "I", it is something beyond the ego. We create egos because of these corrupted parts of the essence.

The affirmative psychology is NOT to affirm the "I", any "I".

To help us in not affirming any ego we need a strict diet with all that is negative.

Affirmative psychology seeks to polarise the essence fully with the Inner Being. 

We need to know our identity as a soul. We are an essence in a human body. This means that we respond to life on two fronts: as an essence and as the essence of a Monad.

We fall into error when we forget who we are: an essence of a Monad. Because we forget that we lose respect for ourselves and go into activities that are not proper of an essence of a Monad.

We are really two people doing the same thing together, the essence and the Inner Being. Two parts involved in the same activities of life. This is the second aspect: the spiritual symbiosis.

The third important aspect of the Affirmative Psychology are the four columns of: Love, Hope, Faith and Trust.

We need to BE those four columns. We need to LIVE those four columns. To be and live those four columns we need to affirm them from moment to moment. 

We need to cultivate these four powers. Love for the Being, Hope for the Being, Faith in the Being and Trust in Being. 

These values are abstract and also practical. We need the abstract aspect to be universal all the time, everywhere and for everyone. The practical aspect is towards specific things in practical life.

To work with the affirmative psychology find time during your day to remember your Inner Being. Keep that connection during the day as often as you can without getting tired.

The second way is to close the doors to the ego. Close the doors to negativity. 

There are areas of our life where we need to affirm these four columns and close the doors to negativity.

Number one is to affirm ourselves as a soul. Remember we are a soul and then affirm ourselves as a soul. 

Affirm our work in the face of the events of life. Think positively about our work. This means displace any negative thought or feeling about our work. Believe in our work, trust our work and have faith in our work.

Love and cherish our work. Do not allow anything or anybody to come in between you and your work. Any ego is an opposite value to your Being. 

Affirm the work in ourselves and in others as well. This is very important.

Don't put yourself down. You will succeed, you will accomplish your destiny in the Being. 

We are not aware of the effects that our negative thinking has on our body, especially our brain.

We can with our thinking and will-power project a force about 20 metres in front of us that changes circumstances making things positive.

Whatever we are going through do not give up. Pray to your Inner Being and ask how we can live together with our Inner Being. We have to come to the positive side. An essence can do miracles when the Being is present.

Atman says: "take charge of your human life in an impeccable manner and we will provide, the will, the consciousness and spiritual help.". This is spiritual symbiosis.

The word of the highest parts of our Inner Being is 'yes, yes, yes". Kether is the world of infinite possibilities.

Every event has a hidden side, where there is a virtue just waiting for us to activate. When in a difficult moment, go inside, go to the Inner Being and ask show me hidden side of this event and discover what is the virtue to develop.

Trust is to "stick to your guns". Trust in the Being is to "stick to your guns" especially when it comes to matters of the spirit.

Self-remembering is impossible without the four columns in the Being and through the Being. When we are these four columns we never accept negativity!

These four columns must become 'self". As in trust in Being and in myself, love for ourselves as in the way of self-respect and love for and in the Being. Hope in our Being and hope that we can do it. Faith is faith in ourselves and faith in our Being.

We live our life with the Being and inside Being.

Trust your Inner Divinity and trust yourself. We are doing this together, us and our Inner Being. We are co-participators. We both co-operate.

As a human being we are always wrong. As an essence with awakened consciousness we are always right.

Dying in ourselves while we are married is the best demonstration of love for the other person. 

There comes a moment when we are more used to being dead than alive. This is the essence of the third factor (sacrifice for humanity) in order to serve humanity better and better.

Kether is the world of infinite possibilities. The word of Atman is: "yes, yes, yes"! This is affirmation.

In conclusion it means to always have a positive state of consciousness. Always go to the side of the Being.

End (4748).

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