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Friday 5 May 2023

Mental Representations, Classifications and Interpretations Notes - (4745)

Mental Functions 

This post presents three functions of the mind that affect us considerably.

The mind has many functions. Each of the minds functions are neutral, however in us they have a great tendency to be used in the negative rather than in the positive.

The aim of this post is to raise awareness of these functions so that we can notice them in action and let them go and even transcend them. At the least it would be to stop using these functions for the negative  increasing our suffering, and use them more for the positive decreasing our suffering.

Not all the mental functions are so bothersome, but some really are. We can add to the bothersome list of mental functions: comparison and projecting.  

Mental Representations

The function of the mind to create representations is grandiose. A mental representation is a mental form that our mind creates about something.

It is not the thing in itself it is a form in our minds that our mind has created to represent that thing. The actual thing does not enter our mind. Only a representation of it is created in our mind and that mental representation stays in our mind. 

When a mental representation is created it stays there forever until it is dissolved. Furthermore we relate to that thing through the mental representation that we have of it.

The question is that many of our mental representations are wrong. Therefore our thinking about that thing will always turn out to be wrong. If it turns out to be right it was a fluke.

We really have in our mind right at this moment so many representations. They do not contain essence but contain mental substance.

The more we have used a mental representation the more mental substance it has been fortified with. 

We create mental representations with the impressions from others, the words of others, from what we read and from our senses, i.e. from seeing and hearing. Which is not necessarily knowing the truth.

The information from the senses is incomplete and leads to misinterpretations which leads to wrong conclusions and the creation of wrong mental representations.

We dissolve mental representations through the truth and with the help of the Divine Mother within us.

The function of the mind to classify is also grandiose. Instantly the mind classifies an event for example as good or bad.

Everything is neutral by nature. Nothing is bad or good until the mind touches it and the thought arises that is good or bad.

We analyse the life of others and get it really wrong. Our mind likes to analyse the life of others and find what is unfair and going wrong, mistaken etc. 

That is an error too because we can never get that fully right and plus doing that we leave our own business and get into someone else's and that is to forget ourselves with only miserable time wasting consequences.

Judgement = Classifications

To be continued...


To be continued...

End (4745).

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