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Thursday 25 May 2023

How Disdain for What You Love Expands and Purifies Your Love - (4772)

When others disdain something we love, whatever it may be, we are being helped. We may not know it at first but we are.

The role of the disdain of others is to actually get us to love better and more what we love. It is not about us trying to convince others to love what we love, no, it is about us loving what we love more and better.

The criticism of others is useful, as we can intelligently listen, filter out the useful from the not useful, and use the useful to enhance what it is that we love.

The disdain of others towards what we love often produces pain in us and so we can can work on that pain.

The work on that pain purifies our love. Which means not to love less or drop what we love but to make that love more conscious. Which could mean seeing duality more clearly, be less attached, more trusting, more free and more oriented to the spiritual of all things. 

End (4772).

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