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Thursday 25 May 2023

Aligning with the Three Primary Forces Notes - (4779)

The three primary forces of nature are everywhere. They permeate creation, even our physical life.

It is true that the three primary forces of creation are the logoic triangle. Within us the three primary forces are called the Monad. They are three in one that form a unity, yet each of them in themselves are a unity.

A triangle is the most stable geometry. It is the first closed shape that forms a unit.

The three primary forces of creation are the Law of Three. The Holy Triamazikamno. 

The Law of Three created. The three laws comes from the one law - the unity and they form the first unity.

The Law of Three is the law that is needed to create in duality - which is creation. The law of three unifies the opposites, the two poles that this whole universe is all about - the great cosmic duality.

As mentioned in earlier posts, each force supports and works for the other, that is why the Holy Trinity is explained as all three forming one, and all three participating in each other.

The Affirmative puts forward the idea to create, the Denying explains all that could go wrong and the Reconciling improves the Affirmative, integrating into it, all the suggestions of the Denying. 

The Affirmative is the ideal, the Denying is the real and the Reconciling the integrating intelligence.

When a creation is not possible, it is because these forces can not be integrated in that particular creation. One of the forces is too weak or too powerful and a balance among all three can not be struck.

The Three laws are the Holy Affirming, the Holy Denying and the Holy Reconciling. Together they form the Holy Trinity.

Every major religion has them as the Lord of creation. In Christianity, it is the Holy Trinity composed of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. In Hinduism it is the Trimurti of: Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva. In Egypt it is Osiris, Horus and Isis.  

The Holy Affirming is the breath in us, the Holy Denying is our blood and the Holy Reconciling is our sexual energy.

We go against the Holy Affirming when we lie, we go against the Holy Denying when we hate and we go against the Holy Reconciling when lose the sexual energy and harm ourselves in our bodies. 

The three forces are in our three brains. With the Holy affirming in our brain, the holy denying in our emotional centre and the Holy reconciling in our motor, instinctive and sexual brain.

The Law of Three: is father, mother and child, upper, lower and middle, birth, life and death, initiation, resurrection and ascension, beginning, middle and end, rise, peak and decline, 

The action of the three forces of creation is to produce in time or in space the above three levels and stages.

We must work with them, they are not that far. They are present in everything.

We can connect to the Holy Affirming by activating affirmative psychology. See this post.

We can connect to the Holy Denying by saying 'no' to the ego and everything that is not the Being. Also when we love and work with sacrifice and transformation we are aligning with the Holy Denying.

When we work with sexuality positively aligned towards the Inner Divinity we are working with the Holy Reconciling third force. This is because sexuality is the ultimate reconciliation, it reconciles two opposite natures into one. 

When we reach balance and consciously combine the two opposites we are working with the Holy Reconciling. The further the two opposites are apart the greater force of Holy Reconciling we have to generate. We then understand that the Holy Reconciling is strength plus a lot of intelligence.

We all have to know about the Three forces because we are a number five. Which really means the three forces operating in action over the duality in creation. 5 = 3 + 2. If we know how the three forces work we can move through and manage duality much better.

End (4779).

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