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Thursday 25 May 2023

Wrong Reasons to be a Missionary - (4780)

Wrong reasons and right reasons. The right reasons for doing anything create a strong lasting foundation while the wrong reasons for doing something create a foundation that crumbles and has to be rebuilt or either stays too far crumbled.

Wrongs Reasons

Make some extra money - like a side hustle doing something interesting and people related.

Good excuse for and a way to rent or buy a bigger house.

Finally be able to leave the group and it's instructor and be free, no more having to travel to class and meet attendance requirements. Set your own times and dates, work from home and cancel when you like.

Be your own boss and do the things that you like, in the way that you want, and escape the always 'no' because of the semi-esoteric-political reasons.

Be different maybe 'above' your fellow students.

Excuse to travel the world and live in different countries, with local help and support from your students.

Be in the elite and have access to the 'top'. 

Stay in Gnosis - doing not doing much. 

Be able to command and hold authority.

Be in on the 'secrets'.

Receive all the information, articles, teachings, emails, notices and warnings...  

Get to attend special meetings.

Exercise your people and social skills, because you are a 'people person'.

In the end - the above are all life and materialism reasons. In short, the wrong reasons are: personality, mind and ego. They form a very weak foundation. 

Right Reasons

Love for humanity. Heart-felt yearning to alleviate the suffering of others.

To give to others what really has transformed our life so that others too can experience the same.

Love for the teachings and a way to repay the master and to fully the master in secret who brought you to them.

To be of service to the essence and spirit of others. 

Pay our karma in the best possible way - helping others.

Unify with the spirit of the Christ and with the spirit of sacrifice.

Help and serve the white lodge.

To honour and be a part of the great chain of giving and taking. We right now and taking hold of those walked the path before us and now as we walk we extend our hands backwards to make their path POSSIBLE!

To show the path to others. The path is shown through an initiate and the best thing closest to an initiate is a missionary.

To help the SUN, to be a part of its harvest and work for It so that Its harvest be great. Also to be a missionary is to be a nano sun, as the missionary radiates light, life and warmth with the help of the work and the teachings.

For the direct way to the Divinity. For love of Divinity. Knowing that we are all one that my suffering is also your suffering. I can not be free while you are suffering.

For love of light - to give light is to receive light.

To actively participate in carrying forward the mission that Master Samael began.

To fulfill the mission of our own Inner Divinity - which in part, is to teach and help humanity.

End (4780).

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