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Tuesday 13 June 2023

Being-Partkdolg Duty - (4800)


Partkdolg duty of the Being is a term that means obligation

A term that Gurdjieff often used to mean "conscious labours and voluntary sufferings". 

I have come across different version of what the Being-Partkdolg-Duty" implies in practical terms.

Here are those different versions:

One (Orage, excerpt from 'Teachings", page 175) 

"an intellectual duty to strive to understand the meaning and aim of existence, an emotional duty to feel the weight of the maintenance of everything existing, and a physical duty to make the planetary body the servant of your aim."

Two (Samael Aun Weor, excerpts from 'The Mistaken Functioning of the Human Machine')

"1. To exercise the Being-Partkdolg-Duty means that we not allow intellectual concepts to pass through our mind in a mechanical manner; in other words, we become cognizant of all the intellectual data that comes to the mind. How do we become cognizant of that data? It is done by means of meditation. So, if we read a book, we should meditate on it, try to comprehend it.

"2. We must become cognizant of all the activities of our Emotional Center. It is unfortunate to see how people move under the impulse of emotions, in a completely mechanical manner, without any control whatsoever. So, we must become self-cognizant of all emotions.

"3. The habits and customs of the Motor Center. We must become self-cognizant of all our activities, of all our movements, of all our habits, and not do anything in a mechanical manner.

"4. We must become lords of our instincts and subdue them. We must comprehend them in-depth, integrally.

"5. We must transmute the sexual energy. We transmute our creative energies by means of certain alchemical procedures.

"Obviously, our life unfolds harmoniously, when we fulfill in this manner the Cosmic Duty or Being-Partkdolg-Duty and we live in harmony with the Infinite, in agreement with the Great Law. Thus, we will be able to reach old age full of ecstasy; we will be able to attain mastery and perfection." 


Master Samael also says that the Partkdolg duty is to work in the three factors. He also says that it is live awakened.


The human beings in ancient Lemuria, Master Samael said were fulfilled the Partkdolg duty of the Being. With the introduction and development of the Kundabuffer organ they stopped fulfilling that duty and fell under the Itoklanos Law. Which is the law that places living beings on the Wheel of Samsara.

End (4800).

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