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Monday 12 June 2023

Cosmic Strivings and their Antithesis - (4799)

Below is an excerpt from Gurdjieff's "Beelzebub's tales to his Grandson".

The five strivings below are cosmic works set in place by the cosmos for its common evolution. 

The Five Strivings

"1.) To have in their ordinary being existence everything satisfying and really necessary for their planetary body.

2.) To have a constant and unflagging instinctive need for self-perfection in the sense of being.

3.) The conscious striving to know more and more about the laws of World-Creation and World-Maintenance.

4.) The striving from the beginning of their existence to pay for their arising and their individuality as quickly as possible, in order afterwards to be free to lighten as much as possible the sorrow of our COMMON FATHER.

5.) The striving always to assist the most rapid perfecting of other beings, both those similar to oneself and those of other forms, up to the degree of the sacred "Martfotai" that is up to the degree of self-individuality."

The Opposite Strivings 

"1.) Every kind of depravity, conscious as well as unconscious.

2.) The feeling of satisfaction in leading others astray.

3.) The irresistible inclination to destroy the existence of other breathing creatures.

4.) The urge to become free from the necessity of actualising the being-efforts demanded by Nature.

5.) The attempt to conceal from others by every kind of artificiality what in their opinion are ones' physical defects.

6.) Calm self-contentment in the use of what is not personally deserved.

7.) The striving to be not what one is."


We are a mixture of both types of strivings.

With the fall and as fallen bodhisattvas the opposite strivings are created.

The cosmic five strivings must win over their opposites.

Gnosis is a cosmic teaching that brings us inline with the aims of the Absolute which is cosmic evolution.


End (4799).

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