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Thursday 8 June 2023

Embrace the People in Your Life - (4794)

People are in our life for a reason...

We have the tendency to create within us rejection, dread, anxiety, resentment, disdain etc. about certain people in our lives.

We say to ourselves: "I can't handle that guy he is so rough in character, he swears, he is inconsiderate, I don't want much to do with him and I don't want to be part of a life with him around.".

Something really different happens when we sincerely decide within ourselves to accept him and embrace his presence in our life. 

All that anguish, rejection and uncomfortable awkwardness diminishes remarkably. 

It is said that the Divine Mother brings friends and enemies into our life. People are in our life for a reason, some for us to learn from, some for us to help, some for us to pay something to, some for us to receive a payment of something, however all are there for us to love our Being through them as it is ourselves together with the Being for some reason or another that brought them into our life. 

That embracing and love protects us from our own "I's" of rejection, selfishness etc. and also from the impressions that do come from others who may unleash some negativity on us.

End (4794).

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