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Tuesday 6 June 2023

Possibilities Talk Notes - (4796)


This post is a set of notes taken from an online talk given by m.m.m.


If there is something seemingly infinite it is in the Being.

As something interesting to take note of, within the fourth state of consciousness there are no possibilities.

When we do the work on ourselves new possibilities in the Being and life open up for us.

When we enter into relativity and duality we are immediately in the realm of possibilities.

We have endless possibilities in our mind. Our thoughts are really all about these numerous possibilities.

Our mind is the world of possibilities. Human life is to be 'swimming' if you will within numerous possibilities.

We in human life become trapped in these numerous possibilities. By trapped we mean confused, lost, undecided, moving from one possibility to another.

So often all these possibilities are not of the Inner Being. Mind, personality and ego generate these numerous possibilities. 

To awaken our consciousness we must renounce these numerous possibilities. 

Just try and go with one of these possibilities and we will see that either of these possibilities are not suitable for our Inner Being or the work on ourselves.

We are weak in the work because we pay attention to all these possibilities and we become so distracted.

When someone leaves the work on themselves they do so because of one of these possibilities. They paid attention to one of these possibilities and they went along with it.

When there are possibilities we are faced with choosing and that produces duality - which is something that favours the work or something that doesn't. Often it does not favour the work.

What often propels us to do the work is to not suffer. So it is a work that is good but not defined purely for the work. It is dependent on avoiding suffering.

In the awakening there is no alternative to the Being. The Being has no possibilities and no alternatives.

We don't get to the Being by pursuing all the different possibilities from life or all the possibilities for the Being.

The centre of gravity of life is the essence. It is right to think as if we are an essence and to think by being an essence. Having the centre of gravity as one's essence leads to the Being.

When we are not tied to any benefit we are free from any vested interests in doing the work.

'Gnosis in life' is say me being Gnostic but still being full of the spirit of 'life'. 'Gnosis in the Being' is where we work for the spirit of the work.

The error we make still having the psychology of life while studying Gnosis is that we transfer the psychology we use have to deal with the matters of life into the study of Gnosis, the application of the work and in the relationship with the Spirit. The psychology of life does not have a place in these matters and so we get things very wrong and end up failing. 

Because we are not really defined we bring life into the work. Weakening our work.

To not mix things with the work we have to be serious and vigilant and always ready to displace the this desire to mix things.

The essence of the fourth state of consciousness is 'to be'.

Trust is needed to overcome the numerous possibilities. Skepticism and fear specialise in this: the "what if's" for example. The "what if's" open up numerous possibilities. 

The thing is that the spirit is infinite. Yet we are so limited. The paradox is that all the numerous possibilities of our mind keep us limited.

End (4796).

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