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Tuesday 20 June 2023

Simply an Initiate Initiates - (4819)

In the simplest terms, an initiate as we know one to be in the esoteric sense, is one who initiates via his or her own initiatives.

One who has taken the initiative to initiate his or her own path, and that has been validated internally, by the white lodge and the college of initiates headed by Sonat Kumara.

An initiate is pro-active: looks, searches, fights, asks, prays, yearns and works hard to start and move forward on his or her path.

The initiate is a warrior that fights to start and to establish his or her own path. 

Meanwhile we are passive we do not carry the spirit of the initiate in us.

Being an initiate does not mean either to cut away physically everything but him or herself and their spouse. 

The path is internal and so it means to initiate the path internally from within. From within the consciousness, from within the will, from within one's own internal decisions and convictions converted into yearnings and actions towards and on the path.

End (4819).

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