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Wednesday 21 June 2023

The Curious Destiny of Objects - (4820)


Just some observations and reflections on where some of life's objects end up and why.

From where some objects end up it is seems that objects too have a destiny...


I've seen very ordinary objects designed for ordinary places end up in special places. One example, is a Sony alarm clock radio given as a birthday present from father to son, to then after several years of sitting on a bed side table to end up displaying the time in a temple.

I've seen very sacred and precious objects, one consecrated by the Master himself, been accidentally left behind and never found again. Hopefully the current of life landed them in the hands of someone appreciative and worthy.

I've seen items that have served the 'Great Cause" for many years end up going to rubbish tip or whose ownership has been taken over by others not working for the "Great Cause of the Father".

I've seen items so prized and cared for, thrown in a skip bin after the owner's funeral.

I've seen prized and cherished items inherited by those who genuinely valued them and I've also seen prized and expensive items given to those who have no appreciation or value for them.

I've seen items whose owner swore to never give them to a certain type of person, and after their death that is exactly where they went - all by chance or fate (?) it seemed.

There have been even items that have been used to commit terrible crimes. The classical 'murder weapon'. Why those items and why that item in particular.

Some items end up in a museum, others are lost to the bottom of the sea, others discovered by 'chance' and consequently changed the thinking of thousands of people. 

Others discovered and kept secret, others discovered and thrown away or destroyed out of ignorance.

Other objects used not for what they were made for.

Other objects such as the Holy Grail and the lance of Longinus said to wield great power lost over the centuries to resurface and become lost again and to become the most sought after relics of humanity.

Just on that point of the Holy Grail there are certainly objects that are tied to the destiny of humanity. They either served as catalysts for great life changing events or were destined to be part of the great events that changed history for ever.

The mystery of it all is why those objects? They are representations of the Divine forces perhaps or Divine forces infused in them their power?

End (4820). 

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