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Wednesday 2 August 2023

Ambience After Talk - (4834)

After each Gnostic lecture an ambience is created among the presenter and the audience and this ambience or aura remains for sometime in the room. 

This ambience helps the audience to understand the knowledge that is being presented. As soon as that ambience is disturbed it is a little harder to connect to the points. 

It is a lot like dreams. Where the suggestion is to not move when we wake up because moving dissipates our connection to the dreams which makes the dream more difficult to remember.

This ambience can be disturbed in many ways. Hackling, challenging, contradicting or arguing with what has been said dissipates very quickly this ambience. With this ambience dissipated, the audience then loses some connection to the points presented in the talk. Consequently the points that were presented do not remain as vividly as they could in the audience.

This is an interesting pint to be aware of especially when we ask questions and make comments during and after the talks.

End (4834). 

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