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Wednesday 2 August 2023

Retreat is to Interchange Values - (4833)

Retreats are really about interchanging values. We receive and give through the many events in a retreat. 

We all bring our values to the retreat and those values visibly and invisibly form a net of connections through which each participant interchanges values. 

When we speak and act we visibly interchange values and when we meditate, pray and listen we invisibly interchange values.

Ideally the retreat aims at giving spiritual values which the attendees receive and the attendees reciprocate  by feeding back their understanding and later on in time or perhaps immediately the application of these values.

This goal of this post is to bring to light a truth that by being aware of it we can enhance the experience of the retreat for ourselves and others.

To be fully conscious and to be able to give and receive our maximum from any retreat, the interchanging both visibly and invisibly is required. 

We can interchange consciously and get and give the most, and being conscious we will transact with spiritual values rather than with other values such as those of the personality which are neither here nor there and can be found anywhere else in life, of which we don't need to go to a retreat to receive.

End (4833). 

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