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Friday 25 August 2023

Class Notes: Time, Personality and Trust in Ourselves - (4857)


Karma is in time and in life. To escape time and life means no more recurrences and no more of so many other things. The future is already real. The three instances of time are one. We will be in the future as we are now.

Time is one unit, it is not fractioned. Our realization is already happening. We are in Gnosis because our realisation is in motion. The Inner Being knows already that it will be reached and so It has us in Gnosis. 

The reason why we pay karma now from the past, is because we are the same perosn as back then.

The fourth state of consciousness is all about unity. Especially about of time.


We need to escape from the personality. If we are not working to escape our personality we are not doing anything in the work.

The personality is the foundation of the 'myself'. The egos need the personality to manifest. It is the amalgamation of all of our "I's".

It is the basket in which the eggs (the I's) are held.

The personality is about adaptation. It is our past. It adapts who we are to the present time in which we live. The egos remain the same but the personality adapts to time and space.

Our identity is the foundation of karma. It is the foundation of our ego and personality. We have what is like an ego personality.

We need to make our identity: soul-spirit. We may start of as person-essence, then essence-consciousness and then later: essence-Being. 

A very good identity, perhaps the more accurate one is: soul-spirit. Which is the teaching that m.m.m has about spiritual symbiosis.

Why do we suffer if we are working for our liberation? That's something good to honestly ask ourselves and demand an honest answer from ourselves.

We have to look to the Being for the spiritual force and help for us to work while we do our part. 

When we have a strong personality we behave like children. A strong personality keeps us always stuck in the more. Always wanting more and always upset about not getting more.

The vehicle of the fascination with life is a strong personality. When we are deeply trapped in life we are not really mature for the esoteric path.

We don't need to cut ties with life but cut the ties of fascination within us towards life. We can do this when we make our life the spirit.

We are free from life when our aim is not life but the path. 

This is a revolution and a great step of mystical death. This is not done with the help of the mantra KRIM. It is done by changing our way of thinking and making a change in our centre of gravity.

Trust in Ourself

There are the powers of death, life and light. The powers of death come from the work of awakening and the dissolution of the ego.

The powers of life come from the affirmative psychology, that is by affirming the Being. The powers of the Being are the virtues such as patience, faith, love, hope, compassion, trust, chastity etc.

The main four powers are: love, faith, hope and trust. These powers are those of the powers of life. They come from the Holy Affirming.

When negative thoughts and feelings arise then bring the four powers. Use faith, love, trust, hope and consciousness as an antidote.

The place for the powers of life are our three brains!

We fail in using those powers due to the lack of trust in ourselves!

All the tyrants have lots of self-confidence and self-sufficiency, though channeled wrongly into life or evil but they have self-trust.

The people who have done great things for good or evil have all had great trust in themselves.

The four realties are in five centres. There is the physical, psychological, esoteric and also the ontological aspects to each of the centres. We also have human consciousness, psychological consciousness, esoteric consciousness and ontological consciousness. 

All physical pain is ontological. We have to find the lack of what virtue caused it. Once we find it we need to pay that karma or imbalance with the virtue.

Couples and the Path

We need to pay our debts with the virtues. Not with revenge and exchanging pain.

If one is slowing down the other there is a debt. We should talk to each other and say lets pay this debt with the virtue. Find what virtues are needed and go about cultivating those values.

If one is slowing down the other there is a debt. The one is who is being slowed down, slowed down the other person before. So that debt must be cancelled, though when we are both on the path it can be cancelled with exchanging values or virtues insteead of pain.

Inner Being and Consciousness

Alignment, uniformity and cohesion are very important. Alignment of the three brains. Uniform in our behaviour and enthusiasm in the work and cohesive in relating to our Inner Being.

End (4857).

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