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Friday 25 August 2023

Gnostic Has the Hardest Life - Harder than in a Monastery - (4854)

Monastery life from the outside seems hard, but after a while it is said, it becomes easy. An established routine, the body conditioned to the routine, one environment only to deal with and everything taken care of. 

The Gnostic working in the three factors has the hardest life, working spiritually while working physically, and dealing with the matters present in several different environments.

There is no doubt, there is substantial sacrifice in the Gnostic and in the monk. Besides the life of the Gnostic being more difficult, the life of the Gnositc allows for every part of his or her life to be touched so as to self-discover and dissolve any and all conditionings. 

Plus there are endless opportunities available for sacrifice in the life of a Gnostic, in a monastery the opportunities for sacrifice are limited by the nature of monastic life. All that a monk can do, a Gnostic can also do, however, a monk can not do all that a Gnostic in the three factors can do.

End (4854).

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