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Wednesday 16 August 2023

Consciousness to Look IN and UP - (4849)

In the Gnostic sense the right angle for our consciousness to be looking is inwards and upwards - towards our Real Inner Being.

To be aware and fully looking into life, from the Gnostic point of view is not the right angle.

Looking inwardly and upwards towards our Inner Real Being renews us, heals us, orients us and connects us deeper to our wholeness - our spiritual side, which is more powerful, expansive and more knowing that our human side.

In other words we can benefit more in the whole sense of the word from looking inwards and upwards with our consciousness.

It's not right to forget ourselves, to have our attention with awareness looking outside all the time, its even worse to not be aware of our attention and be looking outside 100% of the time. 

Using our consciousness this way and not using causes us to fall away from our Inner Being and become weak and more solid in life which is essentially empty.

Hence we become empty...

When we are empty we are just personality talking and relating... The personality is a mask. All masks by themselves are empty.

The ego is there as well and the common result of the ego of the actions of the ego is more error and bitterness with little or no learning.

End (4849).

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